Friday, December 15, 2023

Thank You.


How are you doing? I am using this opportunity to inform you that the business that we both are working on before has been finally concluded with the assistance of another partner from Iceland who financed the transaction to a logical conclusion.

Contact Mr. Grenville Email: ( and ask him for the for the draft (3,750.000 USD)I left for you.

Meamwhile, you should send him your Name and telephone number/your mailing address where you want him to send the bank Draft in appreciation for your help.

Thanks for your past effort.

Mrs. Precious Mph

Monday, June 5, 2023

Confirm Please


I'm Dr. Bengat. I wish to urgently confirm from you if actually you know one Mrs. Jeanne White who claims to be your business associate/partner.

Kindly reconfirm this application put in by Mrs. Jeanne White - she submitted the under-listed bank account information supposedly sent by you to receive the funds on your behalf.

The bank information she applied with are stated thus:

Account Name: Mrs. Jeanne White
Bank name: Citi Bank NA
Bank address: #1230 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107, USA
Account Number: 013439887655
Routing Number: 2771722
Swift Code: CITIUS30

The said Mrs. Jeanne White is claiming to this office that you are dead and have Instructed that all relevant documentation/Information regarding your Payment/Transfer, be changed to her as the beneficiary of the payment short-listed among the foreign beneficiaries entitled to receive their payment.

For your Information, this Government has approved the total amount of EIGHT MILLION, FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLARS ONLY, in your favor, prior to the Federal Government instructions/mandate to offset all outstanding payments to the various legal foreign beneficiaries. We need to confirm from you if it's really true that you are dead as mentioned by your Associate.

You should note that, if we do not hear from you, we automatically assume that you are actually dead and the information passed to us by Mrs. Jeanne White is correct. Hence, you are hereby requested to reply to this Email immediately for confirmation, before we proceed with this payment and for us to know the true position of things with you so that we won't make any mistakes/errors in remitting your out-standing payment to a wrong person/account.

Lastly, you are advised to reply back to this email and reconfirm the details of this message if truly you're alive.

Full name................................
Direct telephone number.........

Your quick response will help us a lot ( )

Yours, Sincerely,
Dr. L. Bengat

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Re:[5] Good morning I am Kat

To unsubscribe, send us an email with the subject 'unsubscribe' nOFMfRavyxW
Good morning I am Kat
I have a soft spot for you.
Here is my photo for you
Let`s chat now?

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Contact Him.!

Dear beneficiary,

The US Secretary of State announced Monday that Federal Government in collaboration with United Nations Government approved a mortgage relief plan. The Government will use about $897 billion in Federal money to help people who fell behind on their mortgage payments during the pandemic.

The program will pay past due housing payments in full, up to a maximum of $750,000 has been allocated for you. The money would go directly to your bank or mortgage servicers if you wish.

You are eligible because you own and occupy one property and make at or below 100% of your area median income. The program covers single-family homes, condos, small business entrepreneur and manufactured homes. Owners are believed to have faced a pandemic-related financial hardship after Jan. 21, 2020. You are required to send the details below to this email contact details.

Name: Mr. Denise Powell

Full name:
Country of origin:
Tel No:

Please contact Denise Powell for claim.

Yours truly,
Mr. Lawrence Armstrong
For Management.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

We offer Business loans from 3,000.00 EURO to 45,000,000.00 EURO..:

Welcome to Quick Cash Loans:

Participate in our last 2% loan promotion. This offer also applies to everyone, people who are blacklisted and people with bad credit reports.
We offer all types of loans from 3,000.00 to 45 Million EUR and our 2% interest rate is fixed for the duration of 1 year to 30 years.

Email us today for more information about our latest 2% loan offer, as we look forward to helping you.


Mr. Kamal Bitter
Chief Consultant


Friday, February 28, 2020

Hello. Only today Databases 700million email addresses.

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Hello. Only today. Price $190
Databases 700million email addresses. All World.
No cheating. First a database, then money.
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Saturday, February 1, 2020

Hello. Only today Databases 700million email addresses.

To unsubscribe send us an email with the topic 'unsubscribe'
Hello. Only today. Price $350
Databases 700million email addresses. All World.
No cheating. First a database, then money.
Write now and get a holiday discount.