Sunday, October 23, 2011

FUMC Project 1:8:Example Post

alisha has sent you a link to a blog:

Yesterday I when to the humane society.I had fun. who alisha cline what cleaned cat cages filled water bottles for rabbits. where humane society when 9:30to11:30 why I thought the humane society would be fun. how water rabbits walked dogs feed cats

Blog: FUMC Project 1:8
Post: Example Post

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Example Post

Today I volunteered at the Soup Kitchen. It was my first time and I was a little nervous. The adults already had the food prepared, so I was in charge of serving it. Then I sat down with three ladies and we talked about our pets and the weather outside. It wasn't quite as scary as I thought it might be, and I'm glad we could give people a free meal.

Hours: 2

$$ Raised: N/A


Think about the 5 W's:
-Who (are you)
-What (did you do)
-Where (did you volunteer)
-When (did you do this)
-Why (did you volunteer here)
-How (how did it go? what were your thoughts and emotions? will you volunteer again?)

Then list the hours you spent and any money raised (if applicable).